The Stop Button

Catwoman 3 (January 2012)

I didn’t get too excited over Winick’s Batman and Catwoman thing because it seemed, if sensational, generally fine. So I was a little surprised when he gives it a bunch of emotional weight this issue.

And Winick has gotten a lot better with his Selina narration. He isn’t trying to establish anything, he’s just telling his story now. And he does a great job of it.

If anything, it’s March who is uneven this issue. He can’t handle the cute scenes, but he does great work on the not cute ones. Thanks to DC wanting to be seen as edgy, Winick is able to add moral complications to the relationship between Batman and Catwoman more effectively than I’ve ever read.

There’s a big event this issue, so I’m not sure Winick can keep up the quality without something similar, but Catwoman is all of a sudden really good.

I’m impressed.


No One Can Find Any Piece of Me Here.; writer, Judd Winick; artist, Guillem March; colorist, Tomeu Morey; letterer, Sal Cipriano; editors, Rickey Purdin and Rachel Gluckstern; publisher, DC Comics.

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